MAPS Auditing Database Tables

To improve database performance, MAPS version 4.3 separated the auditing tables from the rest of the MAPS database.  These tables contain the information that appears on the Detail and Summary screens of the Auditing section in the MAPS Config.  You can report against these tables to see who performed what actions in your system.

The Detail pane under Auditing & Data Warehouse lists every auditing record, including its numerical ID, the activity date, the name of the application and user, the action performed, and any text relating to that action.  For example, the user "evisions" performed the action User.Create from the Configuration application, and the associated text is the name of the new user "Jess".

For more information about auditing configuration, refer to the MAPS Help.


MAPS Auditing Database Diagram



Field DataType Description
Id INTEGER Unique record identifier.
ActivityDate DATETIME Date and time the action took place.
Application TEXT The application that initiated the action.
UserName TEXT The user that initiated the action.
Action TEXT Short description of the action.
Text TEXT Long description of the action.


Field DataType Description
Name TEXT The name of the property.
Audit_Id INTEGER Foreign key to the Audit record.
Value TEXT The value associated with the property.


Field DataType Description
Id INTEGER Unique record identifier.
ActivityDate DATETIME Date and time the action took place.
Application TEXT The application that initiated the action.
ObjectType TEXT The type (report, DB, etc.) of info.
ValueType TEXT The type (sum, average, time) of value.
Value INTEGER The numeric value of this object type.
Text TEXT Long description of the action (if necessary).


Field DataType Description
Name TEXT The name of a property of the Data Warehouse.  Currently only contains the database version.
Value TEXT The value associated with the property.